Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators May 2021 (April 2021 Data)
Here are the indicators for this month. Coos County lost 70 jobs in April, Curry was mainly unchanged. Douglas County lost 160 jobs in April. The unemployment rate has held to nearly the same as March.

Some articles that might be of interest to you:
The COVID Recession Wreaks Havoc with Hours and Earnings, by David Cooke
Long-Term Unemployment is Rising in Pandemic Recession, by Jessica Nelson
The Pandemic Push on Part-time Employment, by Christopher Rich
Measuring the Pulse of Oregon Households amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, by Damon Runberg
If you are in need of any type of labor market information please feel free to reach out.
Take care of yourself,
Polly Farrimond | Workforce Analyst, Economist | Oregon Employment Department
Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties
541-414-5325 |
Pronouns: she, her