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Coos and Curry Indicators - September 2022

You can find the economic indicators for the month of September at this link and attached to this email.

Since August of last year, Coos County lost 190 jobs and Curry County added 70 jobs. In Coos County, job gains were concentrated in wholesale and retail trade, with losses in professional and business services and private education and health care. Curry County added the most jobs in leisure and hospitality, 2020’s most heavily impacted industry. The unemployment rate in both counties was around 5%, very low in historical context but a touch above the state level.

October is Manufacturing Month, a time for schools and communities to celebrate this diverse and economically impactful industry. This month’s special graph is actually a map showing the concentrations of total employment in the manufacturing industry by county.

The South Coast has a slightly lower concentration of manufacturing jobs than the state’s 10 percent. Just like most areas of the state, however, manufacturing in Coos and Curry pays a higher than average wage, and so makes up a greater proportion of local wages than jobs. The areas with the highest percentage of jobs in manufacturing are the counties bordering Multnomah in the Portland metro, as well as Linn, Jefferson, and Morrow counties.

If you have any questions or you are in need of some information, please reach out to me.

Henry L. Fields

Workforce Analyst/Economist

Serving Lane, Douglas and Southern Oregon

Oregon Employment Department


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