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Coos, Curry and Douglas County Indicators for December 2020 (November 2020 data)

Here are the economic indicators for Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties using the 2020 November data. The graph of the month shows the impact that COVID-19 had on the enrollment at our local community colleges. You can see the information here, along with how the downturn impacts our workforce in the area.

For a more in-depth look into the county employment data you can see Guy Tauer and Brian Rooney’s, Regional Economist reports here:

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope that this find you all well and ready for a fresh start in 2021. As always, I am here if you have any questions on the labor market. Feel free to reach out for information, or would like to have a presentation to your organization.

All the best,


Polly Farrimond

Workforce Analyst, Economist

Oregon Employment Department

Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties


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Copyright 2024. Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (SOWIB). All rights reserved. SOWIB is a proud partner of the American Job Center (AJC) network. SOWIB is an equal opportunity employer/program, committed to inclusive services. SOWIB is funded through the U.S. Department of Labor and the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission’s Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.

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