PAID Youth Summer Work Experience (OYEP)
Coos, Curry, and Douglas County High School Juniors and Seniors (between 16-24) are invited to apply to participate in a work-based experience that matches interests with career and educational goals.

What is a Summer OYEP Work Experience?
Youth are paid $15/hr while working with a host employer for 200 hours.
If under 18, parental/guardian permission will be required.
What types of jobs are available?
Industry sectors are Healthcare, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Childcare, Construction, and Maritime.
No work experience? No problem!
Students will be given the training necessary to be successful.
Students should reach out to their local Recruit HIPPO Youth Talent Advisor
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Contact: (800) 822-3525 |
EMPLOYERS – We Need You!
Interested in hosting a work experience? For more information, or to register as an employer host site, please contact us at: (800) 822-3525 or