Southwestern Oregon Economic Indicators for April 2022 (Coos & Curry data)
Here are the economic indicators for April. Coos County total payroll employment rose by 30 jobs in March, Curry County employment was unchanged in the same month.

The table of the month showcases the data from the latest Job Vacancy Survey for Winter 2022. The table shows the number of vacancies that are most prevalent across the state of Oregon. Since the COVID-19 pandemic the Leisure and hospitality industry is still showing the largest number of spots to be filled. You can read more about this survey here.
Some articles that might be of some interest:
Race and Ethnic Diversity in Oregon’s Workforce by Sarah Cunningham
Winter 2022 Difficult-to-Fill Job Vacancies by Anna Johnson
Winter 2022 Hiring Among Oregon’s Private Employers by Anna Johnson
Goods Production is Strong by Josh Lehner
Polly Farrimond | Workforce Analyst, Economist
Oregon Employment Department
Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Klamath, Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties
541-414-5325 |