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Douglas County Economic Indicators - May 2023

The May edition of the Douglas County Economic Indicators is also available on Quality Info.


Douglas County employment declined by 340 jobs, or 1%, over the last year. Tepid job growth in the last 18-24 months has meant that even though initial job losses were muted in comparison with the state Douglas County jobs are down about 3% from where they were in early 2020. Unemployment continues to hold steady at low (but not record low) levels – 5.3% in April on a seasonally adjusted basis.


The special graph this month looks at online job ads over the course of the year to May 2023. Many trends in online job ads are similar to the state: large, continuously in-demand jobs such as registered nurses and retail salespeople show up at the very top. There are some unique factors though. Specifically certain education and truck driving occupations are more often advertised online here than statewide, and there are fewer information sector and manager roles.



This data comes to us from Burning Glass Technologies, which gets the information through aggregating job posting data from a large number of sites and eliminating duplicates to get more reliable numbers. There are still limitations to this data, which only provides a partial view of demand for workers. Certain occupations are less likely to be hired online – construction jobs, for example, tend to be underrepresented.


This month’s articles included:                                                                                   


As always, the Indicators contain all the latest economic data on our area. If you have a data question or want to learn more about any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Henry L. Fields

Workforce Analyst/Economist

Oregon Employment Department

(541) 359-9178


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