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Register for free THW Training

Want to make a difference in your community? Consider becoming a Traditional Health Worker! Register for free THW training and mentorship opportunities now. Learn more at

THWs must complete an Oregon Health Authority (OHA) approved training program to qualify for State Certification. With our support, become certified in various specialties such as substance abuse, mental health, birth care, youth and more.

Who is a Tradition​al Health Worker?

Traditional Health Worker (THW) is an umbrella term for frontline public health workers who work in a community or clinic under the direction of a licensed health provider. We are offering scholarships to individuals interested in training and employment under the following specialty types of THWs:

  • Birth Doulas. Assist women and their family with pre-natal, childbirth and post-partum care.

  • Community Health Wo​rkers (CHW). Assist individuals and their community to achieve positive health outcomes.​

  • Peer Support Specialists (PSS). Focus on recovery from addiction/mental health conditions.

    • Family Support Specialist means an individual who meets qualification criteria adopted under ORS 414.665 and may be either a peer support specialist or a peer wellness specialist who, based on similar life experiences, provides support services to and has experience parenting a child who:

      • Is a current or former consumer of mental health or addiction treatment; or

      • Is facing or has faced difficulties in accessing education, health, and wellness services due to mental health or behavioral health barriers. ​

    • Youth Support Specialist means an individual who meets qualification criteria adopted under ORS 414.665 and may be either a peer support specialist or a peer wellness specialist and who, based on a similar life experience, provides supportive services to an individual who:

      • Is not older than 30 years old, and

      • Is a current or former consumer of mental health or addiction treatment; or

      • Is facing or has faced difficulties in accessing education, health, and wellness services due to mental health or behavioral health barriers.

Train to become a THW in Coos, Curry, or Douglas County. Learn from experienced mentors, gain hands-on experience, and get certified through an OHA approved program. THWs play a vital role in addressing the unique health needs of our communities. Apply now and start your journey to becoming a certified THW!


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Copyright 2024. Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (SOWIB). All rights reserved. SOWIB is a proud partner of the American Job Center (AJC) network. SOWIB is an equal opportunity employer/program, committed to inclusive services. SOWIB is funded through the U.S. Department of Labor and the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission’s Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.

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